For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, and that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
I memorized that verse at my very first VBS in my hometown. We had a dance class and that verse was put to music and we had to sing it. It got stuck in my head pretty quickly, it was just that kind of tune. But, as I got older, I learned not just the verse, but the true meaning of the words behind the verse. God loved us so much that he sent his Son Jesus Christ to be born of the Virgin Mary, live the life of a human, suffer under his persecutors, be nailed to the cross, stabbed in the side, and have a crown of thorns placed on his head while being mocked. He went through extreme pain and humiliation all so that we could get a chance to go to heaven.
DO you realize how amazing that is? He left paradise and got himself killed all so that we could be with him for eternity. There is one sentence that even though I've heard it my entire life I never get tired of hearing it. God loves you.
We're all going to hear that at least a million times throughout our Christian lives, and you know what I never will get tired of hearing it. God, The Almighty, The Creator of the universe, The King of all Kings, loves me, a worthless sinner who has no place in heaven because of what I've done.
You know, Buddhists believe in karma, and that only by doing good and following that Eight-Fold path can you reach Nirvana (Heaven). They don't get it, in fact a lot of people don't get it, even some of those who say that they are Christian. You can't earn your way into heaven, because you've done nothing to deserve to go. From the moment you were born your life was clouded in sin. You don't get to go to heaven based on the good deeds you've done throughout your life. If we did than we'd all be in trouble.
I've said it before, I'm gonna say it again. God loves us. God loves you. God loves me. Do you get that? God made a paradise for us, but because of the fall of man sin entered the world and man became tainted. We were no longer perfect like God created us to be. And we continued to sin and disobey Him, until He sent Jesus. Jesus blood and the faith in Him is the only chance you have at seeing His face. And even once you give yourself love to Him, you still going to slip up, you'll still be human. Things are going to change but not all things.
Once you commit to the Lord, it's up to you to keep that commitment. You need to make changes in your Life so that God stays in it, because if you gab hold of him but lose faith, my friends, your about to make that biggest mistake of your lives.
Song for the day: How He Loves Us by Me in Motion
Pray for the Day:
Lord, thank you so much for the sacrifices you made for me when I don't deserve them. Thank you so much for loving me and the world enough that you let yourself die on the cross just so that we could be with you. I'm undeserving of this gift that you have given me. I know that I've done wrong, please help me to do right. And forgive me for every time that I've gone against your will. I love you Lord.
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