Thursday, August 14, 2014

Dear Blog,

I apologize for not writing as much as I should have.

That happens a lot, I have noticed.

Looking back, I realize that I have had you for four years now. And a lot has changed since thirteen year old me started writing on the internet.

For starters, I graduated high school. Can you believe it? I have a diploma and everything!

Next, I got my drivers license. Now, I know what you are thinking,

"What are they thinking?!?" 

But, I promise you, I'm a decent enough driver. I've had it for months and haven't had an accident. I may or may not have killed some insects that hit my windshield, but that's another story.

Oh, I have a job as well. You're looking at on of the local Sonic Carhops. Work has it's ups and downs, but in the end I enjoy it.

I joined a martial arts class a few months ago. It's been a whole lot of fun. A lot of pain, as well.
My legs are currently jelly from all the squats. But I am improving in my skill set.

Guess what? I'm starting college on Monday.

I'm being serious.

I'm all registered, orientated, and set. I have my textbooks ordered (they should be here by tomorrow), school supplies at my disposal, and a brand new laptop to boot.

This is the new me. And the new me may just stop in a bit more often to write some posts.

No promises though.


The College Teen

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