Tuesday, August 6, 2013

State: Day Two

The schedule for State O'Rama, Day Two, looked something like this. Technically speaking, it was the first official day of O'Rama, even though several counties arrive early on Tuesday. (Like mine did.)

Registration began at 9am and lasted until 12:30. During this time we picked up our tee shirts, received our information packets and name tags, assisted several of our friends as they campaigned for various positions on the Arkansas 4-H state officer team, ate lunch which I believe was provided by the U of A Bumpers College, and just generally hung out and had a bit of a catching up period with all of our friends, some of whom we hadn't seen in a while.

Also during this time up until the first round of competitive activities we had a live aquarium viewing provided by the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, as well as county pictures and judges orientation.

The first round of competitive activities began at 2pm. Those of us who were not competing attended various workshops, such as:

  • Bumpers College Student Showcase
  • Scholarship and Financial Aid
  • 4-H Yoga for Kids
  • Salsa Dancing
  • Make a stand against Bullying
  • Community Service
  • Electric Car
Nothing else was scheduled, and we all hung out until it was time to prepare for the Awards of Excellence banquet, given in honor of certain 4-Hers who have been awarded scholarships and/or been given a State Journal award.

Those who were scholarship or journal winners departed about an hour before the rest of us to attend the banquet reception.

Also during this time the annual Governors Award nomminees were announced, and they were Sarah Mills, Meredith Williams, and Janee Shofner.

Their video profiles can be found at these links:






I believe that Janee ended up being the recipient, however.

After the banquet the entire O'Rama attendees were given free reign of the Jones Family Center, located in Springdale, AR.
We could ice skate, swim, dance, watch a movie, all while eating pizza. Big thanks to the Jones Center for letting us do this for free.

 Curfew was at midnight, although many of us stayed up much later.

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