Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Warriors For Jesus Proverbs 3:5-6

And my computer is no longer broken! Yay!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lena not on your own understanding. In all your ways akknolwdge him and he will make your paths strait.

Proverbs 3:5-6

I see this verse, or at least ones that have similar meaning everywhere in the Bible. Trust in the Lord. Give him your trust. Believe in him.

Do we as Christians truly give him our complete trust? Or at times do we stray from our paths because of our own choices? I think that we all know the answer to that question. At times, yes, we truly give ourselves to the Lord and trust in his will. But more often than not, we give into the temptation and make a choice that turns us from God.

Satan is crafty, and we are only human. One thing that my Youth Leader says everytime she's teaching the Seniors, or the Juniors, or a combination of the youth groups in our church she says this at least once "We are always going to sin because we are born with a sin nature."

Do you know what that means? It means that from the moment we were born, we were condemmend to hell. There's no escaping the life Satan has made for us, in other words, no matter what we are going to sin. We can't stop that, it's going to happen.

The differnce between Christian and non-Christians however, is that we accept and know that we have done wrong, and we beg God to forgive us and try our very hardest to embrace him and hold on to him. We try our very hardest to be worthy of Him, even though we know that we will never come close.

Song for the Day: Jesus Messiah

Prayer for the Day:

Lord, I want to thank you again for the sacrafices that you have made for me and my people. Without you when we die we would go straight to the pits of the earth. We love you Lord, you who are the King of Kings, who have brought us out of the desert. Forgive me in that I have sinned against you, help me to be a better person that I am.


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